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Drop us a line. We’d love to hear from you.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Find a Conversation or sign up to be notified when a Conversation is scheduled in a community near you.
Or, if you are from a historically disadvantaged community, consider getting a Team together to start a Conversation in your area. See the next question.
Click here to find out everything you need to know to form a team and get started.
Thank you! Please complete the Community Conversations Venue Offer Form and we’ll connect you with a Team in your area – if/when available.
You can also talk with people in your community to start or link up with a Team. Click here for information on how to form a team.
Everything you’d want to know is on the Conversations Advertising Partnership Booking Form.
We don’t yet have enough places to warrant listing them here. If the magazine is not yet available in your community, encourage a local NPO to set up a Distribution Hub where unemployed people can buy magazines, and consider Pledging a Sales Spot from where sellers can sell these magazines.
Great! First, Register as a Distribution Hub and once you’re registered, visit the Distribution Hub Portal.
Thank you! Please complete the form: Pledge a Sales Spot. We will connect you with a Distribution Hub in your area. If, however, you are an NPO, please consider also Registering as a Distribution Hub.
You’ll find everything you need to know on the Application Form
Everything you need to know, plus an upload facility for your content is on the Content Contribution Form.
South African Conversations is not available for individual subscriptions because we don’t want to compete with our magazine sellers for whom this is serious business.
Corporate and institutional subscriptions are available for a minimum of 10 copies per month over 12 months. Co-branding is also possible. See the Magazine Subscription.
The short answer: R1 per full-page advertisement per magazine.
The long answer, plus everything you need to know to make an informed decision is on the Magazine Advertising page
Complete a Listing Booking Form. Non-commercial listings are free.
Ask at your local bookstore or library. If they don’t stock it tell them to read about it on our website.
You can order a copy here.
Find out all about it and register here to join the programme.
Click here to contact our national distribution agent, Blue Weaver Book Distribution, or call them on 021 701 4477.
The short answer: R1 per full-page advertisement per directory.
The long answer, plus everything you need to know to make an informed decision is on the Directory Advertising page.
To enlarge the image, click on the ‘Fullscreen’ square in the right-hand corner of the black scroll bar below the book, then click on the X in the top right corner.
To see the presentation in full screen, click on the ‘Fullscreen’ square in the right-hand corner of the black scroll bar below the book, then click on the X in the top right corner.
To see the presentation in full screen, click on the square in the right-hand corner of the black scroll bar that appears below the book. Then click anywhere inside the display frame. Press ‘Esc’ on your keyboard when done.