Seller Button Badge
From R13*
If there is no money for a T-shirt, then the seller must wear a South African Conversations button on plain (no-image / no-statement) clothing while selling.
This marginal branding will enhance the seller’s credibility and sales.
– Sellers can buy the button for themselves.
– Anyone can sponsor a button for a seller.
– Hubs can order buttons for their sellers.
– Metal badge with a pin on the back and a dome sticker on the front.
– 75mm diameter.
Notes on pricing & sizing:
- * Prices vary, depending on quantity. The higher the quantity, the lower the cost per unit. Click here for prices.
- Click here to request a quote for different / higher quantities than what is offered.
Prices include VAT & delivery to one address per one poster design.
Shipping/delivery: We do not hold stock. Orders are printed on demand after your payment is received and can take up to 14 working days to be delivered.