Our distribution model sidesteps traditional retail and, instead, partners with non-profit organisations as Distribution Hubs. They get the magazine to unemployed people and negotiate safe sales spaces for them at office blocks, malls, shopping centres, galleries, restaurants, markets, municipal offices – any place with relatively high levels of affluent foot traffic.
This collaboration enables NPOs to continue their vital work while creating a predictable and sustainable income stream for themselves and for unemployed people in their communities, who earn a decent monthly income from selling the magazine.
Hubs are required to order a minimum of 150 non-returnable magazines on 14 days’ credit, at R15.00 per copy, for a total of R2,250. Of this, R750 is due on invoice. The balance is due by the 16th of the month in which the magazine is sold.
Hubs sell the magazines to sellers at R25 cash per copy, from which they pay South African Conversations a total of R15.00 per copy, resulting in a profit of R10 per magazine.
(Hubs may split an order between more than one seller while they test the water, provided each seller wears either a South African Conversations branded T-shirt or button-badge.)
On a quantity of 150 magazines, Hubs generate R1,500 per seller, per month. If they engaged 10 sellers, they would generate R15,000 for their organisation, per month.
Sellers sell the magazine for R50, earning a 100% return on their R25 per copy cash investment. Sellers are encouraged to sell a minimum of 150 copies of the magazine per month, though the arrangement will be between themselves and the Distribution Hub that supplies them.
In our experience, it is infinitely possible to sell 6 to 8 magazines daily in affluent areas. (Some sellers have sold 10 copies per hour!) If the seller works 5 days a week, they will achieve the sales quota of 150 copies per month. 150 magazines x R25 (50% of the cover price) yields a monthly income of R3,750.
Getting started
- Register as a Distribution Hub, below. We will contact you to discuss your situation, first order, and how things work.
- We will invoice you R2,250 for every 150 magazines ordered. R750 of this is due on receipt of the invoice. The balance of R1,500 is due once the money comes in from the seller you support, but no later than the 16th of the month in which the magazine is sold.
- Payments must be made via electronic bank transfer.
- Orders for the following month must be received by the 16thof the current month and will be dispatched before month-end, provided that the required deposit is paid.
- New orders will not be processed until the previous order is fully paid.
- Unsold magazines may not be returned.
- Distribution Hubs MUST negotiate space for sellers at the most affluent places in their community, nearby town or city. The magazine is a ‘compassion purchase’.
- Distribution Hubs must complete a monthly questionnaire to provide feedback and suggestions for improvement and must maintain a list of sellers and their contact details for communication purposes.
Join us today. Seize this social entrepreneurial opportunity to take charge of your NPO’s financial well-being and to empower your community to generate income.