Interested in Starting a Conversation in Your Community ?


Community Conversations offer a unique social-entrepreneurial opportunity for South Africans in historically disadvantaged areas to lead these events, make their voices heard and earn a monthly income. This is not a job but a collaborative, entrepreneurial opportunity.

We cannot respond to individual emails or phone calls, but will send information about the next steps based on your responses in the form, below.

Community Conversations offers a unique social-entrepreneurial opportunity for South Africans to make a difference and earn income. This is not a job but a collaborative, entrepreneurial opportunity to make money. We will send further information, depending on your answers, below.

"*" indicates required fields

Where are you situated?
Please select the role you would like to fill
Role selection
Do you have a place where these conversations can take place in your community? Please tell us about it in the Venue Offer Form.
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